All that Russian- Armenian freaks near me from Gromov- Smirnov’s family at regular basis beaten me, crying and making skandals, robbering my own inheritance with the help of there’s ex military and soviet spy worker- which some years ago was a double in George Soros fund and took my own inheritance financies without controll- Ivan- Aleksey Smirnov and his brother’s. At that foto- native son of that Ivan Smirnov ( that Ivan was oldest native brother of Boris Gromov) Konstantin- now youngest son of that Konstantin and his wife Marina Smirnova – - Aleksey Smirnov happenly beat me in Athens. All that years from 1979 that slop pail Smirnov’s -Gromov’s family happenly seat down at my own inheritance profits, forgott to inform me that it is my own financies.
( “Taro Aso from Ginko family,basin of fig tree of oil and gas, Zoo with Japan and Nagassaki -plus “-In April 2008 Marina Berlusconi decided to marriage with some Japaneese. That information in a shot period of time disappeared from internet and appeared another information-
They appropriated that financies, profits and business not only in fund but in all inheritance as used by my own youngest son – they wrote of and write off that financies – we all that years lived at 60 dollars for month for both. Them help Roman Abramovich with his wife Lubov Mazurina- Irina Abramovich( which educated with me at the Ural University), Boris Berezovskiy and etc. russians new made billionaries- Berezovskiy robbed well known VAZ and Tumen’s deposit of oil and gas. There’s helpers well known.
Musical Group ” Agata Kristi” -translated as- O, she christen us-
they look like as Sergey and Aleksandr Turkin’s from the Urals Politechnical Institute in Sverdlovsk- that’s brothers Turkin’s later lived in Minsk
Childs from my adopting family Larisa Bakova- now Asma Al Assad, Sergey Lopatinskiy , Sergey Zagrebnev – Zarembo robbed my own inheritance not only in Europe, but in Middle East , heading all that years with Aleksandr Turkin oil and gas trusteeship concern Opec and taking all that years oil and gas from deposit places in Iran, Qatar, UAE , Saudi Arabia and etc. Opec countries and profits from that business, not forgotting to withdraw all financies from the business. They have plundered all deposits. And now runned to Japan and began to rule at the fund from my own inheritance (written off the financies as for need’s to my own oldest son).
From the Match, after the visiting new baked Hillary Clinton- in any words Larisa Ginko- Surkova- Lobova to Japan and Taro Aso’s meeting with Medvedev at Sakhalin -they began to squel and to pull out me all the day and night to my own uterus and back pass, periodically asking ” May be you has decided not?” They grilling not only my own hairs but in regular basis grilling the pants, dress’s, bag’s and eyelash- for them see have not like my long black eyelashes and they began to grill it all that last two years. Somebody throw out prostitute Silvia from Teleperformance and Smirnov’s- Gromov’s family decided- now they renting for me appartment, which they appropriated after the killing by them’s old peoples, and I must pay for that appartment and to contain or financed them with there’s prostitute. Now the mother of that slop pail Smirnov’s family have her native portrait in Austria as Heidi Horten and live in one of the Castle from my own inheritance.
And have her face portrait in UK- as Elizabeth II- I dont know live she in Windsor or no, but it is my own inheritance too from my own grandmother.
That Elizabeth visited Lithuania 16.10.2006 – at the day when the portrait of my own father appeared in Rome- John Paul II. She was in Lithuania till 18.10.2006. And 21. 10. 2006 was killed Hubertas Grushnis- Gryshnis, Lithuanian owner of the radio ” Letus”, ” M1+” and others- he told in his programm about our regular poisoning during two years in our flat in Vilnius ( week before).
They appropriated that financies, profits and business not only in fund but in all inheritance as used by my own youngest son – they wrote of and write off that financies – we all that years lived at 60 dollars for month for both. Them help Roman Abramovich with his wife Lubov Mazurina- Irina Abramovich, Boris Berezovskiy and etc. russians new made billionaries- Berezovskiy robbed well known VAZ and Tumen’s deposit of oil and gas. There’s helpers well known. Childs from my adopting family Larisa Bakova- now Asma Al Assad and Sergey Lopatinskiy with Sergey Zagrebnev – Zarembo robbed my own inheritance not only in Europe, but in Middle East , heading all that years with Aleksandr Turkin oil and gas trusteeship concern Opec and taking all that years oil and gas from deposit places in Iran, Qatar, UAE , Saudi Arabia and etc. Opec countries and profits from that business, not forgotting to withdraw all financies from the business. They have plundered all deposits. And now runned to Japan and began to rule at the fund from my own inheritance to my own oldest son. From the Match, after the visiting new baked Hillary Clinton- in any words Larisa Ginko- Surkova- Lobova to Japan and Taro Aso’s meeting with Medvedev at Sakhalin -they began to squel and to pull out me all the day and night to my own uterus and back pass, periodically asking ” May be you has decided not?” They grilling not only my own hairs but in regular basis grilling the pants, dress’s, bag’s and eyelash- for them see have not like my long black eyelashes and they began to grill it all that last two years. Somebody throw out prostitute Silvia from Teleperformance and Smirnov’s- Gromov’s family decided- now thry renting for me appartment which they appropriated after the killing by them’s old peoples and I must pay for that appartment and to contain or financed them. Now the mother of that slop pail Smirnov’s family have her native portrait in Austria as Heidi Horten and live in one of the Castle from my own inheritance. And in UK- as Elizabeth II- I dont know live she in Windsor or no, but it is my own inheritance too from my own grandmother. That Elizabeth visited Lithuania 16.10.2006 – at the day when the portrait of my own father appeared in Rome- John Paul II. She was in Lithuania till 18.10.2006. And 21. 10. 2006 was killed Hubertas Grushnis- Gryshnis, Lithuanian owner of the radio ” Letus”, ” M1+” and others- he told in his programm about our poisoning in our flat in Vilnius ( week before).Foto- Native sister of Konstantin Smirnov – Irina look like that woman – now she in Athens too – Aleksey Smirnov – son of that Konstantin.
More- his near 10 years old son has a name Konstantin too. Now they in Greece in Athens at Isminis 82 and 80 continue to take my own financies and profits, working to new baked and barked Armenian father Tigran Mkrtchian, his laying Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with the face of Dalia Grybauskaite in Lithuania and Elvira Kuznecova-which now has a name Alma Adamkiene with very old face and body and which some years ago has education with me in my class and school. She was the native daughter of freak Aleksey- Ivan Smirnov- now his grandson Aleksey Konstantinovich Smirnov with his son Konstantin grassed near me, killing the citizents in Greece, making cleaning and crying that they live now here. Slavetrading with the childs, sex exploatation- there’s new busuness. That Aleksey Smirnov work for www. and have motorcycle OAN 21. Understand? Killing Hubertas Grushnis 21 of october they decided to repeart there’s heroism and to memorial it.
After his beating me, at that fascists installation I hear as woman asked me ” May be you want to have a sex with him? No? We have little girl Dora, may be you want to beat her? ” And I hear well known gipsy’s singering and intonations.
When I only bought new inflatable bed with electric pompa I hear that somebody has taken an interest , want I or no to present that bed to prostitute Silvia- in any words to lost that bed in that flat? No? And my new bed has turned to a dust.
Interesting that such asking I hear when was in Vilnius and took a credit from Leon Chech under 24% for year. That Leon from firma” Inverta” with connections or as department of bank Snoras- system of Conversnank. Which robbed my own profits from Middle East projects with the help of Alex Gliklad- now Irakliy (which with his prostitute renting for me appartment- named new Osvencim for Jews), Josif Kobson, Efim Borodulin, Ella Tatarinova from Belarus ( which look like Larisa Bogdanova which all that years lived near me at appatrment 56) and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya- now faced as president of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite.
That gipsy’s woman asked me not only to make a remont in my own flat in Vilnius-but to lost at that appartment as a present to my old and loving flat my own toilet-cosmetics complex: mirror with the melhior-cupronickel , special beautifull chear, woman’s table for cosmetics from ophite-zmeevik and two lamps from melhior, zmeevik and crystal. Who knows who was that gipsy woman?
Dont forgetting to leave in my own flat with my own bags with all my things- my new skirt and new backpack from oda. Understand? And from that time I can not to go to my own flat! As everyday playing they killed to my own bladder and crying-” Now you pee-urinate!” How do you think -what is it? And they have such game during the day.
New made Georgian George Soros- translated as – slop pail from Russia some year ago lived in Sverdlovsk under the name Ivan Smirnov- his native daughter Elvira Kuznecova has education with me at my class and my school and some years later I saw her as Alma ( translated as- All have) Adamkiene only in very old variant with connections with Chicago and my own inheritance from my own grandfather and own father in Chicago.
In Netherland in the Hague- well known tribunal Gaagha- specially for nazy. Now here- well-known company Shell- from my own inheritance. And some new made queen Beatrix -which look like Soviet Union actress Irina Skobceva. What do that actress on the throne of the Netherland?
As they forgott to informed me that my own father, own grandfather and my own grandmother gave the inheritance and all there’s business, financies and property, including the throne in UK to me – my own father, my own grandfather and my own grandmother forgott to informed them, that oil and gas business do not grow up on the tree as a boots and grow up only at old fig tree, as there’s great Soviet Union engineer’s with there’s great Soviet Union education. My own grandfather, my own grandmother and my own father forgott to inform them that diamonds not grow up on the tree’s too as banana in Africa. And the gold not flowered in the collective farmer’s. And coal and salt too.
From that time gas, oil and coal you must take with excess licking yours dicks and pussy’s. Looking the warm’s in your native back pass’s. Crappy stink rat’s.
Sistematically somebody from little girls began languidly (lackadaisical) whisper to my own ears during that fascists and sadists installation inside me:” Natasha, I want you”. Sometimes they mixe and whisper’s ” I want you, Irina”. Who was that Irina, which decided to make me radio-electronic terror? Why to not want Chernobyl? Or Nagassaki?
I demand to withdrow all that freaks from me and from the live of my own sons. And from the live at all. That fucking killers killed the old peoples at Egeos 53 , appropriated there’s house and now threaten my own live and health. They open the shop Dora- stoling the name of my own mother and her financies, business and inheritance. I demand to remove them, to kill them for there’s fascism and appearing in my own live at regular basis. They robbed thousands billions from my own inheritance. Those who has admitted and till now has not cleaned that’s freaks I demand to kill too.With Chicago have connections Michail Barshevskiy – from my school. That Barschevskiy have connections with Armenian’s-and was a private barrister of Anatoliy Chubais- that from Belarus robber with Aleksandr Jakovlew privatized or occupated all my own inheritance in Russia . Some years ago France became under Armenian genocide. With the help of Georgian slop pail Maria Likhosherst – now Sheikha Moza in Qatar.
In Chicago lived some Valdas Adamkus with new made Alma Adamkiene- Elvira Kuznecova in very old variant. And in Chicago lived some Romas Marcinkevicius- new head of Vatican bank. He like the blond womans from very big size, overdrink’s and waitress’s. Who was that Romas and with what name he lived in Sverdlovsk ,before appropriating my own inheritance well known villa in Florida?
My adopting father before lived with the name Nikolay Kovalenko, but was born as Pavel. Later, after attack my own scapula by the knife – he has a surname Lopatinskiy-Scapulainskiy. When his native brother runned to Germany as Michail Lopatinskiy in Soviet Union appeared cosmonaut German Titov.
Near me in Sverdlovsk lived Andrey and Igor- Gosha Titov’s. Gosha became a happy husband of Dariga Nazarbayeva and has a son Gosha, Andrey as Laima Kubielene changed his name and instead Andrey Titov became Romas Marcinkiavicus- Marcinkevicius shotly Marcinkys.
Now in Greece after there’s travelling in Africa and making new kinds of diamonds- glasses – that glasses they sold as brilliants and sewed on slippers, now they decided to pressed me and shadowing with the helps of Negro from Kenya and Zimbabve. They pressed and tell that I am rasist- no problem, I will be the rasist with everybody from Nazy and best friends of Adolph Gitler- Hitler.
Making mass destruction and killing the roots Greek’s, appropriating and stoling 500 thousands billions from the year profits during minimum last 20 years and maximum 34 years, and killing the trustees from my own inheritance business oil and gas concern Opec and etc.- they making demagogy about racism. Roman Abramovich ,which wife Lubov Mazurina has education with me in University- now she Irina Abramovich as Maria Likhosherst took education with me and became Sheikha Moza, that Roman sometimes look like Konstantin Smirnov- native son of the Soviet militariest Ivan Smirnov with George Soros face and native mother with the face of Elizabeth II.
Such brand as Roman Abramovich was very popular for collection here group of doubles with the Konstantin Smirnov at the head.
His impudent son Aleksey Smirnov now barked in Athens at Isminis 82,80 and 76. At Isminis 76 happenly live’s the group of childs without parents or with killing parents for sex slavetrading and sex exploatation. Today at Isminis 51,53 I hear: “In what tree grow up oil and gas? Your know the answer? “- and at that time was sounding in a garden neigh loudly whinny of Ingwar Genrich Lotz with the own manager in Switzerland Ingwar Kamprad- which live in my own inheritance from my own grandfather.
In Switzerland in my own inheritance from my own grandfather live Michail Barschevskiy too and have a office as barrister here. And Anatoliy Chubais which one of the morning decided that he is a granddaughter of Grand Father.
In Germany in Castle Burg Colmberg my owm robber open the hotel and restaurant, more that robber have connections with Japan and appropriating my own inheritance financies in Japan. He decided that he is granddaughter of the King the Sun. As madame Mikasa translated as – we are bank cash.
Nuremburg Nurnberg Nuremburg 60 – new made owner of that Castle killed my own mother.
Hotel Restaurant BURG COLMBERG Familie Unbehauen An der Burgenstraße 91598 Colmberg Telefon: (09803) 9 19 20 Telefax: (09803) 2 62 E-Mail:
Now in Japan rule and robbe my own inheritance financies and profits from my own grandfather some Taro Aso from Potgugal – where have the office Michail Barschevskiy. At once they decided that need my own financies and profits in Japan, makes faces that all of them’s new made relatives of the King the Sun and jummped to that country.
That Taro Aso was born from Galina Ginko, which grassed near my own grandmother- my own father was Father in Rome – in Tumen with any native relations with her and appeared near her after my adopting.
Galina Ginko- translated as -Guess who I am and for what place legs I must will be direct.
Godmakiness for the old womans and social pension for demented and mads. Zimbabve, Kenya, Belarus maids pressing me in regular basis. Some from Teleperformane- Television and performance- Yorgas Funtis- translated as – falsificat of gas and have gas a pound only – working with slavetrading system of pedophile, prostitute service and service of cleaning and killing, decided that can pressed me with the help of russuan and belarus dolly’y maid’s such as Galina Mostowaya -translated as bridge off but I?-, making scandals and menace and threat for my own live and health and live of my own son. Some Teleperformance taking financies from my own inheritance profits and writting off that financies as for my own need and need of my own sons – on that financies make pension for there’s retired agents and prostitutes. Who decided that it it possible to stole my own inheritance for pension to such dolly’s? In front of Teleperformance door in door live barked and impudent freak from Gromov- Smirnov’s- Abramovich family Aleksey Smirnov. Very comfortable position for lurk and shadowing.
The windows of the Teleperformance at the other side window to window the windows of that house. Who can to shoot for the window, near which seating down my own son with there’s strange weapon for grilling and deformation and for what reason? And who decided that it is possible?
I demand to kill them. They must be killed only started the war in Afghanistan against my own father who was Father in Rome, but they in alive till now!
Near Teleperformance door near door live native daughter of Natalia Stroganova- from Primakov- Charadze family-they killed the manager of my own grandfather David Rockefeller in 1975 in the house of Evgeniy Primakov in Tbilisi and began to appropriated my own inheritance in USA.
Now in Greece grassed Ludmila Filippaviciene too- native mother of Dariga Nazarbayeva.
That Dariga not only appropriated ORT ( from my own inheritance profits and financies) but sometimes live in USA- in my own inheritance villas .
They appropriated CNN – translated as See or look NN and decided that can be not only the granddaughter of the King the Sun, but new made NN in USA.
Foto- new made wife of new made minister Taro Aso – madame Chikako Aso- translated as – that a slop pail she is slop pail ass
That new made madame Chikako – native daughter of Diliara Garifovna Zabarova , which some years ago at the legende of my adopting mother lived in Tumen and was her girlfriend, later in 1975 that Diliara headed the faculty in Tatarstan -in Kazan University.
How her native daughter appeared in Japan and became madame Chikako. What is it?
That world from my childhood means slop-pail or shit. The native son of Galina Ginko became Taro Aso and native daughter of Diliara Zabarova , there’s girlfriend, became Chikako Aso.
Both from russian- tatarstan family. What connections they have with Japan? And who decided that they are Japaneese? Or somebody from the greatest overedrinking decided to make from russian- tatarstan mixe new made Japaneese?
Another tatarian maid was Raisa Gorbacheva, which now in Spain seating as queen Sofia . Who like the tatarians maids and why all the ex Soviet Union Communists party leaders and there’s relatives now seating at the thrones in Europe, Middle East and Japan?
What connections that mummers have with that’s countries, the property , financies and business in that countries?
One of the double of the new made king of Spain Karlos look like as native father of Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy- Semen or Samoil Yaroshevskiy, which as Leonid Breshnev worked in Moldova. He like gipsy’s.
Izolda Mogilevskaya- translated as – the grave from ice to Jews- has the name of her father Semen or Samoil too- translated as – by herself eating oil o, she is ill.
She from new made twins – her sister Lilly was her twin from school number 9. As Lillybet in England, the name from childhood of Elizabeth II – bet for prostitute. Lilly was the name of Kerk Kerkorian mother- translated as – Kerk reproach , An and go out him once again. Lilly – was the names of prostitutes in France.
Some years ago they build new capital of new Kazachstan- Astana in any words Satana or Satan. In new capital now seating new Kazachians- from Tatarstan. In any words tatarians maids and mads now in Kazachstan teach the Kazachians Russian language.
And from that shooting range they runned to Japan. For what side looking Japaneese or Oleg Lobov supplyed to Japan as to Greece special gas from Hosni Mubarak and now in Japan as in Poland ( new Belarus and new Ukrainian mads and maids) and Greece ( new Armenian, Georgian and Russian’s mads and maids) disappead Japaneese and happenly lives new Kazachians and new Tatarians ?
And why all that’s occupants seating at my own inheritance, who put them here???
In Wroclaw translated as – Slava is robber in Poland- was Zoo. Another Zoo – in Sverdlovsk- were has his appartment Sergey Lopatinskiy and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya. That appartment they selled to Aleksandr Yakovlev – now Aleksandr Turkin.
In Moscow near Moscow Zoo live Oleg Lobov at the Zoologicheskaya Str. Why that nice terrorist with strong connections with terror in metro Tokyo decided to live in such interesting place?
Robbering all my own inheritance financies and profits which they could to took, they all so like to live in my own Castles , that till now as Clowns wriggle near me and my own sons.
With that my own inheritance after my own grandmother Castle Wolfsburg – Wolfsburg Schlosse – they appropriated one more little present – that firm
Volkswagen was my own inheritance from my own grandfather. For that Marina Berlusconi – Mechrenceva happenly helped to robbed my own inheritance such freaks as Andrey Kozuchov – Mechrencev, Andrey Titov- Romas Marcinkievicius, Igor Titov- happy husband of Dariga Nazarbayeva, Modest Prokopiev, Aleksandr Turkin – Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze or Dzerzinskiy- Sverdlov and etc.
His grandfather shooted the Royal Romanov’s family in Ekaterinburg and that’s town after that has the name Sverdlovsk.
What relatives they have and how old are them’s?
In April 2008 Marina Berlusconi decided to marriage with some Japaneese. And has a wedding. That information in a shot period of time disappeared from internet and appeared another information with another husband.
And Silvio Berlusconi at that momemt quickly decided to seat down at the place of Prime Minister of Italy.
14.04.2008 -when I and my own son appeared in Italy- in Italy appeared Vladimir Putin “with private talks”- we runned from Poland and before visiting that Berlusconi that Putin visited Poland.
In 11.06.2001 in my own birthday that Berlusconi became Prime Minister before. And 11.09.2001 they ruined twin-towers-my own property of my own grandfather.
Some years ago that Marina has surname Mechrenceva and lived in Sverdlovsk. She was putting on meter by my own father who was Father in Rome for falsification with the twins and financies.
Installing me by fascists installation in my own nose, breast dynamic and loud- speaker , ears putting here the booster’s of the sounds, uterus- womb, in my own head at the top of the head , in my own throat ,they fascists under me during the day and night.
They took a chat, crying, pee-urinating me, the beaten me by my own head at the doors, walls, they crying in the ears and by that dynamic in my own breast, they choke and strangle me by that sadists installation.
They beaten my nose and noses of my own sons with that installation and with there’s equipment and after that we have snuffle in regular basis. They poisoned me in there’s Armenian- Russians slop- pail internet Club Bytes and Bates and Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya looking how I look like after that – I have mass pus from my own nose during the month.
Dynamic means some ” Dynamo”( Dinamo) football and hockey club from milicija – police system in ex Soviet Union- translated as – doubles from milicija- police take more. In Kurgan with me was some Maria from Kiev and her friend from Kiev club ” Dynamo”. In ex Soviet Union was ” Dynamo” in Minsk, Kiev, Moscow, Tbilisi, Sverdlovsk.
They pressed me and beaten by there’s freaks as Aleksey Smirnov with native relations with Boris Gromov and the war in Afghanistan, there’s manager’s in internet cafe freak Kostas- in that internet club was the same sound’s and tellings as in installation as in club , they paying the beating at the bus stop and etc. There’s fantazy and impudent’s have no border. They beating my own head by strange magnete and crying- ” You are tower, you shake” and began to shake me from one side to another. They beaten me to my own legs and I can not to go, they as falter me, I began limp, hobble and fall.
25.09.2009 at the morning I hear- ” Stas’ka going or no?” Stas’ka is the name of Belarus girl or woman in slop-pail Belarus and Lithuania. And after that night I have a snuffle.
They pressed me by there’s prostitute system, there’s pedophiles, there’s childs for slavetrading- young gays, there’s Armenian’s freaks from “Sabino” as from Zoo.
That Sabino has a strong connections with IKEA , robbering my own inheritance financies, profits and business, some alkogolic Ingwar Kamprad from Nazy , Switzerland and my own inheritance from my own grandfather in Switzerland. And transportation cargo.
With Ingwar Genrich Lotz from Vilnius and slavetrading with the little childs from Vilnius from the house of orphan’s, where his wife Elvira Lotz – Lotzene – director. And with Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze, which one of the morning became Aleksandr Feliksovich Turkin.
Who was killed in Vilnius in 1997 and who was in a prison? Officially under the investigation and at prison was seat down another man with that name.
They threating me and beating by the police in Lithuania and in Poland, and threating as in Italy, as in Austria, as in Greece.
It’s name’s the close status for my own defence. For written off the financing for such defence from oil and gas concern Opec -my own inheritance from my own grandfather and under the trusteeship.
Now the Greece police have strong connections with BMW company from Munich – where was my own inheritance- Castles from my own grandmother and such BMW company from my own grandfather.
That Turkin have strong connections with Nadezda Popova, which worked with me and Yuriy Stroganov in Vilnius and with Ingwar Genrich Lotz , which worked with us at the same newspaper.
Grigoriy Dekanidze -father of Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze or Aleksandr Feliksovich Turkin
As Boris Dekanidze and Aleksandr Yakovlev he has connections with Sergey Lopatinskiy- from my adopting family, Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya, Pavel Surkov-Lobov (son of Oleg Lobov) .
They arrounding me as the gipsy’s.
They debts me from the war in Afghanistan, when they started to climbed to my own father , who was Father in Rome and blocked me with my own little childs in Volsk- Wolsk- Saratovskiy region. They debted me from that time when they killed my own mother in 1960 and I has a knife in my own back and has four years old- from that time they have a surname Scapula –Scapulatinskiy’s -Lopatinskiy’s.
Kaiserburg Nürnberg Castles- my own inheritance from my own grandmother and own mother-
in 1969 when was killed my own grandmother in Sverdlovsk and died in Tumen- such campany as Lopatinskiy’s family jummped to Germany to Munich – Michail Lopatinskiy, Nurka Lopatinskaya, which adopted to my own name Anna and became Anna Lopatinskaya -after legalisation her death jummped to Germany and Likhosherst family with Zinaida Likhosherst and her new made daughters. In Nurnberg – town where that Nurka robbed me- was Nurnberg’s process against Nazy.
Nurnberg – translated as- Nurka took bank cash . Adopting mother which adopted to my own mother name after her killing adopted to that Castle too.
They debted me from that time when they killed my own grandmother. And they debted me when stoled me from my own father and my own son from me. I demand to kill them.
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