Wednesday, September 23, 2009

24 hours Berlin: 6am in the morning

Two nice discoveries today. A friend in London told me about The Auteurs. And while browsing the movies I discovered 24 hours Berlin by Volker Heise. Well, all this has been around for a while but nevertheless, better late than never! If you love movies The Auteurs is a precious website. And if you love Berlin, you will love this collection of 24 movies shot in Berlin one year ago, each one covering one specific hour of the day. With stunning photography and everyday stories.

The first part of 24 hours Berlin takes us in the capital and her inhabitants at 6am. Nori at the BMW motorbike factory in Spandau. An inmate in the Knast in Reinickendorf. Waking up in a flat in Schoeneberg. A Koepenick fisherman on the Mueggelsee. An old man waiting for heart surgery at Charite’. A round-the-clock bakery in Schlesisches Tor. An interview with von und zu Guttemberg in front of Brandenburger Gate about John McCain (John McCain…? who was that?). A vain and antipatique foreign correspondant headquartered in Gendarmenmarkt and totally waterproof to the country he’s reporting from.

The crisis was just starting: september 5th, 2008. I only watched episode 1 (from 6.00 am to 7 am) and so there’s more to come. I have 23 movies to look forward to now…

One year after I wonder what happened to the people portrayed in the movie. The world changed an awful lot in the space of one year. Sarah Palin and her red jackets were pestering our screens one year ago. FW Steinmaier was not sure to be a candidate to the Kanzleramt yet. Lehman Brothers was fame and glory. Barack Obama was preceded by an “If”. Von und zu Guttemberg was in the making. KaDeWe was strong as an ox. The S-bahn ran on time (but with a dark secret) and the U55 was still in the box.  We were still discussing the project for our flat in Berlin.

This movie frames life in the city and its Zeitgeist. Berlin is the lucky town which deserved but also generated such an oeuvre, I hope it means something beautiful for its future.

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