Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 5 Zealotry Brands - What Are Yours?

BMW. The ULTIMATE driving machine.  They don’t care what others think about their owners’ attitudes towards their car.   And, yes there is an attitude and a swagger to a BMW owner.

Apple. Think DIFFERENT.   Uh, are you a nice, don’t make waves corporate type?   Check in at the Dell stand dude.  Mac people are more creative and smarter.  Just ask them.

Jif Peanut Butter. Only a abusive mother would not buy Jif for her family.  After all, choosy moms choose Jif.

Coca-Cola. First, Pepsi ran campaigns for years touting blind taste test wins.  And, arguably the biggest market research faux pas was about replacing brand Coke with “New Coke.”   Coca-Cola Zealots would rather go without than drink a competitive brand replacement.   For a soft drink that costs less than a buck at retail and with a myriad of competitors, this brand has many fans that believe you are desecrating their family lineage if you offer them anything other than a Coke.

Green Bay Packers. You probably know the “Cheeseheads” have a waiting list to endure sub-zero degree game (and tailgating) conditions. And, they consider the all-time Packer – Brett Favre – a traitor, because he “deserted” to a rival team.   Did you know they have a “FANS” hall of fame?  Or, that the team is a non-profit and owned by the community?  Packer fans are legendary and unique to all of sports.

What are your top 5 Zealotry Brands? Share them with us…


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